Nick Parkes

Discovering Amsterdam on a Budget: Exploring
Airbnb Options.

About This Project


After finishing my university degree, I set out on exploring more of the world and devised a plan for venturing around Europe with Amsterdam being one of the chosen destinations. Curious about accommodation, I searched out for data which would help me visualise the Airbnb market so I could better understand my options.

Key Information:

This visualisation dives into the options for affordable Airbnbs in Amsterdam which meet the requirements of my stay:

• Three nights stay

• Maximum cost per night is 100 Euro

• Airbnb can either be a private bedroom or entire home / apartment

Languages, Frameworks and Libraries
used in this project:

• Languages: HTML, CSS & JavaScript

• Frameworks: Next.js & Tailwind CSS

• Libraries: Leaftlet & Chart.js

Dashboard is only available for screen sizes larger than 768px (laptops and larger).

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